
Do you have high blood pressure? Replace salt with herbs and spices!
Grilled chicken breast marinated in oregano, basil, garlic powder and pepper with avocado, tomato, onion , cucumber , spinach leaves,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Do you get enough protein at breakfast?
DOUBLE SMILE 😁😁Hope you all have a productive Friday like these peanut butter chia seed toasts 🍞😍🥜! Combining nutrition with fun 😂....
Dr Rebecca Luong

Pack your salads!
When you receive a salad delivery! Remember to keep cool in the hot weather! Veggies are a good source of water , vitamins, minerals,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Canned Legumes are must-haves in the Kitchen Pantry!
Canned no added salt legumes, tuna and frozen vegetables are must-haves in the kitchen pantry! Only took 10mins to make . Simply rinse...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Are frozen vegetables healthy?
Have you packed your lunch today? Can you see the little frost on my broccoli? Yes, it's frozen! There's nothing wrong with frozen veg as...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Simple tip to get enough fruits and vegetables!
Did you know? 92% of Australians don’t consume enough vegetables daily (<5 serves). 52% of Australians don’t consume enough fruits daily...
Dr Rebecca Luong

16 Easy and Cheap Items to help you reach your daily CORE food group serves
Great list to look at before you shop! Is healthy eating really expensive? E.g. Breakfast: 250mL milk + 3 weetbix + 1 fruit = 0.25 + 0.42...
Dr Rebecca Luong