
6 Ways to Lower Triglycerides
❤️ 6 Ways to Lower Triglycerides 1️⃣Eat a Healthy Dietary Pattern. Mostly vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, and...
Dr Rebecca Luong

6 Ways to Raise HDL Cholesterol
❤️ 6 Ways to Raise HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol 1️⃣ Have 125-150g fatty fish 2-3 times/week 🐟 🍣 2️⃣ Have 30-45g nuts...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Did you know? 2 in 3 Australian adults have abnormal blood fats (dyslipidaemia)
1️⃣High Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol And Total Cholesterol (affecting 33% of adults): LDL 😈 (diameter 20-25nm) makes up 90% of...
Dr Rebecca Luong

5 Benefits Of Viscous Soluble Fibre
💦 💩🩸😋 1️⃣Increases stool water content, softens your poo and helps with constipation 2️⃣Slows down movement, thickens your poo and...
Dr Rebecca Luong

What Is Cardiometabolic Health?
Cardiometabolic Health ❤️🏃🏻♀️📚👉 is a term that links disorders of the metabolic syndrome that are predictive of cardiovascular...
Dr Rebecca Luong

We are lucky in Australia with 20 dietitians per 100,000 people (0.02%)
There’s a growing demand for dietitians due to the rising multi-morbid ageing population. We are lucky in Australia with 20 dietitians...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Smile 😊 instead of ✋🏻🛑Emotionally Eating 🍽.
A study found that 1 SMILE 😃provided the same level of 🧠brain stimulation as up to 2000 chocolate bars🍫. Emotionally eating only...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Apart from the low FODMAP diet are there any other effective treatments for IBS?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is defined as recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort which can be relieved by defecation, is associated...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Does having bent or brittle nails mean I have a nutritional deficiency?
Issues with the health of your nails can be from nutritional deficiency, nutritional toxicity or other causes (such as liver disease and...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Is green tea the only source of antioxidants?
How many people say 'Yay it's Monday!'? Well I do because roasted green tea from Japan is life . Makes my day. Get some antioxidants to...
Dr Rebecca Luong