
Rebecca shares cardiometabolic health tips on Alive 90.5FM Radio
Listen to a deep dive conversation on the importance of cardiometabolic health, how to make lifestyle changes, the stages of change,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Sarcopenia and Healthy Ageing
Sarcopenia is a muscle disease 💪🏻characterised by 1️⃣low muscle strength, 2️⃣low muscle quantity and quality, and 3️⃣poor physical...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Did you JUMP today ⬆️ for healthy bones?
Did you JUMP today ⬆️ for healthy bones? I went to the excellent FitForYourLife workshop yesterday by Geriatrician Prof Maria Singh that...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Do you get enough protein at breakfast?
DOUBLE SMILE 😁😁Hope you all have a productive Friday like these peanut butter chia seed toasts 🍞😍🥜! Combining nutrition with fun 😂....
Dr Rebecca Luong

Another reason to reduce excess body fat
Dr Rebecca Luong

How do I reduce my risk of the ‘silent disease’ (osteoporosis)?
Bone composition= 65% hydroxyapatite (calcium and phosphorus) + 25% water +10% collagen +other minerals. We reach our Peak Bone Mass (the...
Dr Rebecca Luong