
Did you know? 1 in 3 Australians have cardiovascular disease, diabetes and/or chronic kidney disease ?
🔸The conditions are closely linked with interrelated biological pathways 🔀, shared risk factors and commonly co-occur. E.g. high blood...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Rebecca shares cardiometabolic health tips on Alive 90.5FM Radio
Listen to a deep dive conversation on the importance of cardiometabolic health, how to make lifestyle changes, the stages of change,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

6 Ways to Raise HDL Cholesterol
❤️ 6 Ways to Raise HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol 1️⃣ Have 125-150g fatty fish 2-3 times/week 🐟 🍣 2️⃣ Have 30-45g nuts...
Dr Rebecca Luong

7 Ways to Lower Total and LDL Cholesterol
1️⃣Eat a Healthy Dietary Pattern. Mostly vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, and thus naturally low in saturated...
Dr Rebecca Luong

👋🏻 5 Ingredients Quick ❤️ Heart-Healthy Salad
💡Aim for protein 0.4-0.55g/kg body weight per meal (usually 20-40g) for 💪muscle building i.e. 1.6-2.2g/kg body weight a day 👏Low in...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Did you know? 2 in 3 Australian adults have abnormal blood fats (dyslipidaemia)
1️⃣High Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol And Total Cholesterol (affecting 33% of adults): LDL 😈 (diameter 20-25nm) makes up 90% of...
Dr Rebecca Luong

How To Use Psyllium Husk
✅Add psyllium husk to your breakfast for your 💦💩❤️🩸😋 1️⃣ Choose a healthy cereal 🥣, or add to oats or muesli. See the ingredients...
Dr Rebecca Luong

5 Benefits Of Viscous Soluble Fibre
💦 💩🩸😋 1️⃣Increases stool water content, softens your poo and helps with constipation 2️⃣Slows down movement, thickens your poo and...
Dr Rebecca Luong

What Is Cardiometabolic Health?
Cardiometabolic Health ❤️🏃🏻♀️📚👉 is a term that links disorders of the metabolic syndrome that are predictive of cardiovascular...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Cardiometabolic Health: Protective vs Harmful Foods/Nutrients
8 out of the 20 top risk factors are dietary and 4 others are strongly diet-related. That accounts for 60% 12 out of 20 of the top risk...
Dr Rebecca Luong