
💡What are the Benefits of Weight Loss for those Above a Healthy Weight?
Sometimes we just need to sit down and think about why we do what we do or even highlight🖍 📖the obvious. Weight loss reduces risks of...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Butter vs margarine. Which is better?
From a Cochrane Review meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials, replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats reduced the risk...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Can I have grapefruit when I am taking blood-pressure lowering, cholesterol-lowering or immunosuppressant medications?
No. Grapefruit, pomelo and Seville orange segments/juices/marmalades contains compounds that can increase drug availability. One of the...
Dr Rebecca Luong

How much omega-3 fats should I have in a day for a healthy heart?
Consuming omega-3 fats has been associated with lower risks of heart disease, stroke, heart failure, heart attack and death from coronary...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Is dark chocolate good for my heart?
Chocolate is made from cocoa pod (a fruit) which contains antioxidants called polyphenols (in particular flavanols). Dark chocolate...
Dr Rebecca Luong