
👋🏻 5 Ingredients Quick ❤️ Heart-Healthy Salad
💡Aim for protein 0.4-0.55g/kg body weight per meal (usually 20-40g) for 💪muscle building i.e. 1.6-2.2g/kg body weight a day 👏Low in...
Dr Rebecca Luong

What Is Cardiometabolic Health?
Cardiometabolic Health ❤️🏃🏻♀️📚👉 is a term that links disorders of the metabolic syndrome that are predictive of cardiovascular...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Can we lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?
Lose fat and either increase or maintain muscle at the same time 🤗👏🏻. Many studies 👍🏻have shown that resistance training...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Did you JUMP today ⬆️ for healthy bones?
Did you JUMP today ⬆️ for healthy bones? I went to the excellent FitForYourLife workshop yesterday by Geriatrician Prof Maria Singh that...
Dr Rebecca Luong

💡What are the Benefits of Weight Loss for those Above a Healthy Weight?
Sometimes we just need to sit down and think about why we do what we do or even highlight🖍 📖the obvious. Weight loss reduces risks of...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Do you get enough protein at breakfast?
DOUBLE SMILE 😁😁Hope you all have a productive Friday like these peanut butter chia seed toasts 🍞😍🥜! Combining nutrition with fun 😂....
Dr Rebecca Luong

Does sweating mean I am burning fat?
There is truth to this 😂 Physical activity involves working out our muscles (using energy such as from extra fat stores) which produces...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Another reason to reduce excess body fat
Dr Rebecca Luong

Can I increase my metabolism?
Metabolism is the chemical process of breaking down food to provide energy for basic human functions at complete rest (Basal Metabolic...
Dr Rebecca Luong

“Weight”, who’s talking? Body Fat or Weight?
Everyone talks about weight. But what is it? Body weight= fat + muscle + organs + bones + water Health risks arise from excess body fat....
Dr Rebecca Luong