
23 Ways to Improve Your Food Environment
Firstly we have to understand what is a food cue. Food cues are not just the sight and smell of real food in front of you but also...
Dr Rebecca Luong

What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics?
Probiotics are live beneficial microorganisms ingested in adequate amounts. Main food sources: yoghurt, fermented milks. Prebiotics are...
Dr Rebecca Luong

How to avoid forming carcinogens when cooking?
There are two types of carcinogens produced during food preparation (heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). ...
Dr Rebecca Luong

3 Key Things to look for on a Food Label to determine whether you should buy it or not
1). Nutrition Information Panel- Compare between products using the ‘per 100g’ column since the ‘per serve’ amount varies and is...
Dr Rebecca Luong

16 Easy and Cheap Items to help you reach your daily CORE food group serves
Great list to look at before you shop! Is healthy eating really expensive? E.g. Breakfast: 250mL milk + 3 weetbix + 1 fruit = 0.25 + 0.42...
Dr Rebecca Luong

What is healthy eating? Back-to-the-basics! Warning: Content is not ‘sexy’ and is not the newest fad
One food does not provide all the nutrients we need, having a balanced diet would help you obtain all the essential nutrients required...
Dr Rebecca Luong