
Did you know? 2 in 3 Australian adults have abnormal blood fats (dyslipidaemia)
1️⃣High Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol And Total Cholesterol (affecting 33% of adults): LDL 😈 (diameter 20-25nm) makes up 90% of...
Dr Rebecca Luong

How To Use Psyllium Husk
✅Add psyllium husk to your breakfast for your 💦💩❤️🩸😋 1️⃣ Choose a healthy cereal 🥣, or add to oats or muesli. See the ingredients...
Dr Rebecca Luong

5 Benefits Of Viscous Soluble Fibre
💦 💩🩸😋 1️⃣Increases stool water content, softens your poo and helps with constipation 2️⃣Slows down movement, thickens your poo and...
Dr Rebecca Luong

What Is Cardiometabolic Health?
Cardiometabolic Health ❤️🏃🏻♀️📚👉 is a term that links disorders of the metabolic syndrome that are predictive of cardiovascular...
Dr Rebecca Luong

7 Tips to Make Healthy Homemade Pizza
choose or make pizza bases with added fibre or wholemeal select or make thin pizza bases as usually there will be too much...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Salads for immune function
Balance festivities with salad. Vitamins and minerals are involved in immune function. Veggie serves (3): 2.5 cups spinach, kale,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Legumes can be used as vegetables and a source of protein
When legumes can be used as vegetables and a source of protein . 35g protein in this quick meal. Cheese toastie with scrambled egg and...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Dr Rebecca Luong

Should I stop eating carbohydrates?
Why is eating pasta, potato and bread a No-No these days ? Anything that’s too restrictive is likely not sustainable in the long term. A...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Eating More to Stay Warm in Winter?
In Winter people tend to eat more without realising it to stay warm. ❇️Dietary thermogenesis 🔥involves using about 10% of total daily...
Dr Rebecca Luong