
7 Tips to Make Healthy Homemade Pizza
choose or make pizza bases with added fibre or wholemeal select or make thin pizza bases as usually there will be too much...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Salads for immune function
Balance festivities with salad. Vitamins and minerals are involved in immune function. Veggie serves (3): 2.5 cups spinach, kale,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Dr Rebecca Luong

Do you have high blood pressure? Replace salt with herbs and spices!
Grilled chicken breast marinated in oregano, basil, garlic powder and pepper with avocado, tomato, onion , cucumber , spinach leaves,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Confused about which types of dietary fats to have to reduce heart disease risks?
With the clever marketing of unhealthy products, poorly designed studies with confounding factors (did not control for other factors that...
Dr Rebecca Luong

How to avoid forming carcinogens when cooking?
There are two types of carcinogens produced during food preparation (heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). ...
Dr Rebecca Luong