
7 Tips to Make Healthy Homemade Pizza
choose or make pizza bases with added fibre or wholemeal select or make thin pizza bases as usually there will be too much...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Salads for immune function
Balance festivities with salad. Vitamins and minerals are involved in immune function. Veggie serves (3): 2.5 cups spinach, kale,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Legumes can be used as vegetables and a source of protein
When legumes can be used as vegetables and a source of protein . 35g protein in this quick meal. Cheese toastie with scrambled egg and...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Should I stop eating carbohydrates?
Why is eating pasta, potato and bread a No-No these days ? Anything that’s too restrictive is likely not sustainable in the long term. A...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Do "quick fix" diets work?
YOU CAN’T RUSH SOMETHING YOU WANT TO LAST FOREVER! Definitely True for all sustainable healthy eating and lifestyle changes! I’ve seen so...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Vegetables are supposed to be half the plate
Thinking about dinner? 😋👀🧠 Zucchini Pouch Enclosing High Fibre Spaghetti Marinara 🍤🍝with garlic olive oil, cauliflower and...
Dr Rebecca Luong

What is the portion plate 🍽?
How often do you feel hungry 🤤? Do you have enough veggies 🍅🥗🍆🥦🥒🥕on your plate 🤔? A lot of the time when people try to eat...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Do you have high blood pressure? Replace salt with herbs and spices!
Grilled chicken breast marinated in oregano, basil, garlic powder and pepper with avocado, tomato, onion , cucumber , spinach leaves,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Pack your salads!
When you receive a salad delivery! Remember to keep cool in the hot weather! Veggies are a good source of water , vitamins, minerals,...
Dr Rebecca Luong

Canned Legumes are must-haves in the Kitchen Pantry!
Canned no added salt legumes, tuna and frozen vegetables are must-haves in the kitchen pantry! Only took 10mins to make . Simply rinse...
Dr Rebecca Luong